The Music of Mary Crowell
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Mary at the keys


Alternate Biographies:
GAFilk 2004

Dr. Mary Crowell

Written by Karen L. Murphy

Mary Carolyn Phillips Crowell, PhD, (DMA actually) was born with a natural sense of rhythm and flair for the dramatic. This has only gotten worse over time. She loves percussion. Piano is her instrument of choice, though she has been known to play everything from ocarinas to drums to clarinet to vacuum cleaner, all in variations of D minor.

A graduate of Huntingdon College (where she invented the tampone) and the University of Alabama (where she didn’t invent anything but did leave a lasting impression on the otherwise staid classical music community), [editor's note: The classical music community isn't really staid.] Mary chose to pursue a graduate degree for the additional riches that all liberal arts majors garner. She currently teaches yoga in Athens, Alabama. She has a husband, Wesley, whom many suspect she married for his cooking, and one son, Simon, whom she keeps during the week for his grandparents.

A late arrival to filk, Mary got her start writing musical themes for Wesley’s RPG villains, then began applying this accolade-garnering skill to characters and games in her live-action roleplaying hobby. The concerted efforts of a couple of otherwise well-meaning friends introduced her to GaFilk several years ago, giving her an excuse to expand her repertoire and a welcoming community with whom to collude. She is currently completing renovations on her house in northern Alabama and trying to decide what of her extensive collection of musical innuendo she wants on her first CD.

Karen wrote this bio for the GAFilk program book when I appeared there as Toastmistress (TM) in January of 2004.

Mary Crowell: Scattering Seeds on the Pomegranate Tour style=

Mary Crowell: Acolytes of the Machine & Other Gaming Stories

Mary Crowell: Courting My Muse

Mary Crowell


Play It With Moxie: Play It With Moxie Live!